Results for 'Charste C. Wolhuter'

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  1.  50
    Towards understanding tolerance in education.Ferdinand J. Potgieter, Johannes L. Van der Walt & Charste C. Wolhuter - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-08.
    In recent years, schools and education authorities world wide have been paying increasing attention to issues surrounding diversity and religious tolerance. The term 'tolerance' is, however, clouded by considerable confusion and vagueness. This article seeks to contribute to recent scholarly attempts at understanding tolerance and the term that denotes it. After a brief semantic analysis of the term 'tolerance', arguments concerning the onticity of tolerance as phenomenon or entity are discussed. By examining its onticity we explore and explain some of (...)
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    Godsdienst in het onderwijs in Zuid-Afrika en Nederland: Een vergelijkende studie.Charl C. Wolhuter, Nico A. Broer & Johannes L. van der Walt - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):8.
    Religion in education in South Africa and the Netherlands: A comparative study. The aim of this article is the reconstruction and comparison of the historical evolution of the place and role of religion in education in South Africa and in the Netherlands. The article commences with an overview of the historical evolution of the place and role of religion in education, up to the present, and a discussion of the dissatisfaction and objections which could be and which have been levelled (...)
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    Air pollution and cardiovascular disease: Can the Australian bushfires and global COVID‐19 pandemic of 2020 convince us to change our ways? [REVIEW]Kathryn Wolhuter, Manish Arora & Jason C. Kovacic - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (9):2100046.
    Air pollution is a major global challenge for a multitude of reasons. As a specific concern, there is now compelling evidence demonstrating a causal relationship between exposure to airborne pollutants and the onset of cardiovascular disease (CVD). As such, reducing air pollution as a means to decrease cardiovascular morbidity and mortality should be a global health priority. This review provides an overview of the cardiovascular effects of air pollution and uses two major events of 2020—the Australian bushfires and COVID‐19 pandemic (...)
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    International Perspectives on Student Behavior: What We Can Learn.Charles J. Russo, Izak Oosthuizen & Charl C. Wolhuter - 2014 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The second volume of companion books on comparative student discipline identifies the best practices in dealing with student misconduct, on six continents, in a legally sound manner.
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    Empowering Academics the Viskerian Way.Johannes L. van der Walt, Ferdinand J. Potgieter & Charl C. Wolhuter - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):223-240.
    Academics and/or scholars increasingly feel that their academic voice (combined or individual) has been squelched by the demands of performativity in its various guises, and resultantly, that they have been caught up in a process of steady disempowerment. Rather, it should be their right to be free to use their positions in the pursuit of scholarship as their conscience and their expert knowledge of their subject dictate. Academics should be free to question for themselves the boundaries of their limitations, and (...)
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    Managing education during the pandemic in the Netherlands and South Africa: A comparative study.Nicolaas A. Broer, Johannes L. van der Walt & Charl C. Wolhuter - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–8.
    Optimism has reigned supreme for a long time regarding the potential of education (schooling) to address the many societal ailments that humankind has had to deal with. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 shifted all such aspirations to the back-burner. Now, after just more than a year after the initial outbreak of the pandemic, the question can be raised whether those who managed the pandemic in the educational context followed the correct policies and instituted the correct (ethical, (...)
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    Inter-religious dialogue in schools: A pedagogical and civic unavoidability.A. Abdool, J. L. Van der Walt & C. Wolhuter - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (2).
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    Het vaststellen van de mate van religieuze tolerantie bij leraren in opleiding.Nicolaas A. Broer, Abraham De Muynck, Ferdinand J. Potgieter, Johannes L. Van der Walt & Charl C. Wolhuter - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3):1-10.
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    Religieuze tolerantie vraagt onderwijs in gastvrijheid.Nicolaas A. Broer, A. de Muynck, Ferdinand J. Potgieter, Johann L. van der Walt & Charl C. W. Wolhuter - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):1-9.
    The South African-Dutch research group responsible for this article started its activities in 2012 by looking at religious tolerance as a means of addressing the tendency for religious intolerance, extremism and fundamentalism. While tolerance seemed to be a promising way to counter religious intolerable behaviour, some shortcomings also became apparent. For example, the concept of tolerance includes an aspect of passivity towards others who adhere to another religion. The concept also does not appear to be able to respond to attitudes (...)
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    Knowing Our Own Minds: Essays in Self-Knowledge.C. Macdonald, Barry C. Smith & C. J. G. Wright - 1998 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Self-knowledge is the focus of considerable attention from philosophers: Knowing Our Own Minds gives a much-needed overview of current work on the subject, bringing together new essays by leading figures. Knowledge of one's own sensations, desires, intentions, thoughts, beliefs, and other attitudes is characteristically different from other kinds of knowledge: it has greater immediacy, authority, and salience. The contributors examine philosophical questions raised by the distinctive character of self-knowledge, relating it to knowledge of other minds, to rationality and agency, externalist (...)
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  11.  36
    The Problem of Pain.C. S. Lewis - 1944 - New York: Macmillan.
    C. S. Lewis sets out to disentangle this knotty issue but wisely adds that in the end no intellectual solution can dispense with the necessity for patience and ...
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  12. Disposition Impossible.C. S. Jenkins & Daniel Nolan - 2012 - Noûs 46 (4):732-753.
    Are there dispositions which not only do not manifest, but which could not manifest? We argue that there are dispositions to Ф in circumstances C where C is impossible, and some where Ф is impossible. Furthermore, postulating these dispositions does useful theoretical work. This paper describes a number of cases of dispositions had by objects even though those dispositions are not possibly manifest, and argues for the importance of these dispositions.
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  13. Aristotle’s de Interpretatione: Contradiction and Dialectic.C. W. A. Whitaker - 1996 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Aristotle's treatise De Interpretatione is one of his central works; it continues to be the focus of much attention and debate. C. W. A. Whitaker presents the first systematic study of this work, and offers a radical new view of its aims, its structure, and its place in Aristotle's system, basing this view upon a detailed chapter-by-chapter analysis.By treating the work systematically, rather than concentrating on certain selected passages, Whitaker is able to show that, contrary to traditional opinion, it forms (...)
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    (1 other version)Causality and Explanation.Wesley C. Salmon - 1997 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    "A rich collection. Since it holds a number of introductory pieces along with advanced essays and review articles, the volume will be accessible to a broad audience and will work well in philosophy of science courses....Essential."--Lawrence Sklar, University of Michigan.
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    The Screwtape Letters: Annotated Edition.C. S. Lewis - 2013 - HarperOne.
    On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of C. S. Lewis’s death, a special annotated edition of his Christian classic, The Screwtape Letters, with notes and excerpts from his other works that help illuminate this diabolical masterpiece. Since its publication in 1942, The Screwtape Letters has sold millions of copies worldwide and is recognized as a milestone in the history of popular theology. A masterpiece of satire, it offers a sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the (...)
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  16. Practices of Reason: Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.C. D. C. Reeve - 1992 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This book provides an exploration of the epistemological, metaphysical, and psychological foundations of the Nicomachean Ethics. Rejecting current orthodoxy, this book argues that scientific-knowledge (episteme) is possible in ethics, that dialectic and understanding (nous) play essentially the same role in ethics as in an Aristotelian science, and that the distinctive role of practical wisdom (phronēsis) is to use the knowledge of universals provided by science, dialectic, and understanding so as best to promote happiness (eudaimonia) in particular circumstances and to ensure (...)
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    The core structure of ½ screw dislocations in b.c.c. crystals.V. Vítek, R. C. Perrin & D. K. Bowen - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (173):1049-1073.
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  18. Kant's Theory of Self-Consciousness.C. Thomas Powell - 1990 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    From Descartes to Hume, philosophers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries developed a dialectic of radically conflicting claims about the nature of the self. In the Paralogisms of The Critique of Pure Reason, Kant comes to terms with this dialectic, and with the character of theexperiencing self. Powell seeks to elucidate these difficult texts, in part by applying to the Paralogisms insights drawn from Kant's Transcendental Deduction. His reading shows that the structure of the Paralogisms provides an essential key to (...)
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  19.  21
    Process-Relational Philosophy: An Introduction to Alfred North Whitehead.C. Robert Mesle - 2008 - Templeton Press.
    Process thought is the foundation for studies in many areas of contemporary philosophy, theology, political theory, educational theory, and the religion-science dialogue. It is derived from Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy, known as process theology, which lays a groundwork for integrating evolutionary biology, physics, philosophy of mind, theology, environmental ethics, religious pluralism, education, economics, and more. In _Process-Relational Philosophy_, C. Robert Mesle breaks down Whitehead's complex writings, providing a simple but accurate introduction to the vision that underlies much of contemporary process (...)
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  20. Euvoluntary or not, exchange is just*: Michael C. munger.Michael C. Munger - 2011 - Social Philosophy and Policy 28 (2):192-211.
    The arguments for redistribution of wealth, and for prohibiting certain transactions such as price-gouging, both are based in mistaken conceptions of exchange. This paper proposes a neologism, “euvoluntary” exchange, meaning both that the exchange is truly voluntary and that it benefits both parties to the transaction. The argument has two parts: First, all euvoluntary exchanges should be permitted, and there is no justification for redistribution of wealth if disparities result only from euvoluntary exchanges. Second, even exchanges that are not euvoluntary (...)
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    The great divorce: a dream.C. S. Lewis - 1946 - [San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco.
    C. S. Lewis takes us on a profound journey through both heaven and hell in this engaging allegorical tale. Using his extraordinary descriptive powers, Lewis introduces us to supernatural beings who will change the way we think about good and evil.
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  22. The Paradox of the Knower without Epistemic Closure -- Corrected.C. B. Cross - 2012 - Mind 121 (482):457-466.
    This essay corrects an error in the presentation of the Paradox of the Knowledge-Plus Knower, which is the variant of Kaplan and Montague’s Knower Paradox presented in C. Cross 2001: ‘The Paradox of the Knower without Epistemic Closure,’ MIND, 110, pp. 319–33. The correction adds a universally quantified transitivity principle for derivability as an additional assumption leading to paradox. This correction does not affect the status of the Knowledge-Plus paradox as a rebuttal to an argument against epistemic closure, since the (...)
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  23.  45
    Education, literacy and the development of rationality.C. A. Winch - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 17 (2):187–200.
    C A Winch; Education, Literacy and the Development of Rationality, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 17, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 187–200, https://d.
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  24. Embodiment and self-ownership: Daniel C. Russell.Daniel C. Russell - 2010 - Social Philosophy and Policy 27 (1):135-167.
    Many libertarians believe that self-ownership is a separate matter from ownership of extra-personal property. “No-proviso” libertarians hold that property ownership should be free of any “fair share” constraints, on the grounds that the inability of the very poor to control property leaves their self-ownership intact. By contrast, left-libertarians hold that while no one need compensate others for owning himself, still property owners must compensate others for owning extra-personal property. What would a “self” have to be for these claims to be (...)
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  25. Robert J. Sternberg Todd I. Lubart James C. Kaufman Jean E. Pretz.James C. Kaufman - 2005 - In K. Holyoak & B. Morrison, The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 351.
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  26. Versos do fim de uma era: um poema do último dos neoplatônicos.Bernardo C. D. A. Vasconcelos - 2018 - Metagraphias 2 (3):43-54.
    O artigo oferece uma breve exposição da biografia e do contexto histórico do filósofo neoplatônico Damáscio (c. 458 - c. 538) para, na sequência, apresentar a tradução de um dos seus poemas líricos do período final de sua vida. O procedimento adotado justifica-se pelo caráter lutuoso e decididamente pessoal dos versos, nos quais Damáscio lamenta consigo próprio as perdas sofridas no decorrer de sua longa e fascinante vida. Como veremos, tais perdas estão, em verdade, diretamente ligadas ao colapso do mundo (...)
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  27. Natural Virtues, Natural Vices: ANNETTE C. BAIER.Annette C. Baier - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 8 (1):24-34.
    David Hume has been invoked by those who want to found morality on human nature as well as by their critics. He is credited with showing us the fallacy of moving from premises about what is the case to conclusions about what ought to be the case; and yet, just a few pages after the famous is-ought remarks in A Treatise of Human Nature, he embarks on his equally famous derivation of the obligations of justice from facts about the cooperative (...)
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    The notion of development and moral education.C. Bailey - 1969 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 3 (1):65–80.
    C Bailey; The Notion of Development and Moral Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 3, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 65–80,
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  29. 9/11 as Schmaltz-Attractor: A Coda on the Significance of Kitsch.C. E. Emmer - 2013 - In Monica Kjellman-Chapin, Kitsch: History, Theory, Practice. Cambridge Scholars Pub. pp. 184-224.
    "The concluding chapter, penned by C. E. Emmer, both revisits and greatly expands upon disputations within the contested territory of kitsch as term and tool in cultural turf-war arsenals. Focusing on debates surrounding two visual responses to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Dennis Madalone's 2003 music video for the patriotic anthem 'America We Stand As One' and Jenny Ryan's 'plushie' sculpture, 'Soft 9/11,' Emmer utilizes these debates to reveal the coexisting and competing attitudes towards ostensibly kitschy objects and (...)
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    Are physical activity and academic performance compatible? Academic achievement, conduct, physical activity and self‐esteem of Hong Kong Chinese primary school children.C. C. W. Yu, Scarlet Chan, Frances Cheng, R. Y. T. Sung & Kit‐Tai Hau - 2006 - Educational Studies 32 (4):331-341.
    Education is so strongly emphasized in the Chinese culture that academic success is widely regarded as the only indicator of success, while too much physical activity is often discouraged because it drains energy and affects academic concentration. This study investigated the relations among academic achievement, self?esteem, school conduct and physical activity level. The participants were 333 Chinese pre?adolescents (aged 8?12) in Hong Kong. Examination results and conduct grades were obtained from the school records. Global self?esteem was measured with the Physical (...)
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  31. Concepts of teaching: philosophical essays.C. J. B. Macmillan (ed.) - 1968 - Chicago,: Rand McNally.
    Introduction: conceptual analysis of teaching, by B. P. Komisar and T. W. Nelson.--A concept of teaching, by B. O. Smith.--The concept of teaching, by I. Sheffler.--A topology of the teaching concept, by T. F. Green.--Teaching: act and enterprise, by B. P. Komisar.--Must an education have an aim? By R. S. Peters.--Curriculum as a field of study, by D. Heubner.--Can and should means-ends reasoning be used in teaching? By C. J. B. Macmillan and J. E. McClellan.
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  32. Criticism and the terror of nothingness.C. Jason Lee - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (1):211-222.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.1 (2003) 211-222 [Access article in PDF] Criticism and the Terror of Nothingness C. Jason Lee DESTINY IS OFTEN ANOTHER NAME for narrative, it being the order we retrospectively find in scattered events. It is traditionally the role of the storyteller to create a believable narrative, with the reader investing attention into believing the story while the critic dissects the results to ascertain whether the magic (...)
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    'Safe Enough in his Honesty and Prudence' The Ordinary Conduct of Government in the Thought of John Locke.C. Anderson - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (4):605.
    While for many years Locke was viewed almost universally as the prophet of liberalism, today a successive reading of C.B. Macpherson's Possessive Individualism, John Dunn's The Political Thought of John Locke and Richard Ashcraft's Revolutionary Politics and Locke's �Two Treatises of Government�, might produce a schizophrenic vision of Locke as simultaneously an accumulative bourgeois villain, an irrelevant Calvinist moralist and a radical egalitarian revolutionary hero. This essay addresses an issue examined to a greater or lesser extent by these and other (...)
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    The (Mis)uses of Cannibalism in Contemporary Cultural Critique.C. Richard King - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (1):106-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.1 (2000) 106-123 [Access article in PDF] The (Mis)Uses of Cannibalism in Contemporary Cultural Critique C. Richard King At least since 1979, when W. Arens demystified what he termed "the man-eating myth," cannibalism, once a fundamental feature of the anthropological imagination and a primary trope for interpreting cultural difference, has become subject to serious debate and lingering doubt [see Osborne]. Even as some anthropologists have sought to recuperate (...)
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  35. A semantical Analysis of the Calculi C n.Newton C. A. Costa - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal Fo Formal Logic 18:621-630.
  36. The Virtues of a Passionate Life: Erotic Love and “the Will to Power”*: ROBERT C. SOLOMON.Robert C. Solomon - 1998 - Social Philosophy and Policy 15 (1):91-118.
    I would like to defend a conception of life that many of us in philosophy practice but few of us preach, and with it a set of virtues that have often been ignored in ethics. In short, I would like to defend what philosopher Sam Keen, among many others, has called the passionate life. It is neither exotic nor unfamiliar. It is a life defined by emotions, by impassioned engagement and belief, by one or more quests, grand projects, embracing affections. (...)
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    My Interest in Polanyi, His Links with Other Thinkers and His Problems:An Interview with Richard T. Allen.C. P. Goodman & Richard T. Allen - 2023 - Tradition and Discovery 49 (1):39-45.
    In this interview, C. P. Goodman invites British Polanyi scholar Richard T. Allen to reflect on his interest in Polanyi’s philosophical ideas and share what he believes is valuable in his thought.
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    Kierkegaard's "Fragments" and "Postscript"; The Religious Philosophy of Johannes Climacus. By C. Stephen Evans.Thomas C. Anderson - 1986 - Modern Schoolman 63 (4):292-295.
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    Essays on aesthetics: perspectives on the work of Monroe C. Beardsley.Monroe C. Beardsley & John Fisher (eds.) - 1983 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
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  40. Kevin A. Aho, Philosophy Department, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA Philip C. Aka, Department of Political Science, Chicago State University, USA Mihaela Albu, Department of Journalism and Communication, University of Craiova, Romania Georgios Anagnostopoulos, Philosophy Department, University of California at San Diego, USA.Martine Benjamin, Joseph C. Bertolini, Costica Bradatan, Peter Burke, Christian R. Donath, Geoffrey Kemp, David W. Lovell, Martyn Lyons & Alexander Mikaberidze - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (7):1006-1007.
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    Việt Nam tinh hoa đạo đức.Ngọc Sơn Bùi - 2002 - [Hanoi]: Nhà xuất bản Hà Nội.
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    Three Horsemen of the New Apocalypse.Nirad C. Chaudhuri - 1998 - Oxford University Press India.
    In this book the author brings to bear the collected wisdom of a life spent as a dispassionate scholar and a political engage, on one of the recurring concerns of our fin de siecle-the decline of western civilization.
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    (1 other version)The Province of Jurisprudence Democratized.Allan C. Hutchinson - 2009 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Province of Jurisprudence Democratized explores the implications of taking a vigorously democratic approach to issues of traditional legal theory. Allan C. Hutchinson introduces the democratic vision and examines the complementary philosophy of a Dewey-inspired pragmatism. This is followed by an examination from a pragmatic perspective of the dominant theories of analytical jurisprudence in both their positivist and naturalist forms. He emphasizes the contested concepts of 'truth', 'facts' and 'law/morality relation' and explores what a more uncompromising democratic/pragmatic agenda for law (...)
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    Essays on Aristotle's de Anima.Martha C. Nussbaum & Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (eds.) - 1992 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Aristotle's philosophy of mind has recently attracted renewed attention and respect from philosophers. This volume brings together outstanding new essays on De Anima by a distinguished international group of contributors including, in this paperback efdition, a new essay by Myles Burnyeat. The essays form a running commentary on the work, covering such topics as the relation between body and soul, sense-perception, imagination, memory, desire, and thought. the authors, writing with philosophical subtlety and wide-ranging scholarship, present the philosophical substance of Aristotle's (...)
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    VIII*—Descartes' Other Myth.C. A. J. Coady - 1983 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 83 (1):121-142.
    C. A. J. Coady; VIII*—Descartes' Other Myth, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 83, Issue 1, 1 June 1983, Pages 121–142,
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    Response to Eva Alerby and Cecilia Ferm, "Learning Music: Embodied Experience in the Life-World".C. Victor Fung - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):206-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Eva Alerby and Cecilia Ferm, “Learning Music: Embodied Experience in the Life-World”C. Victor FungThe authors' choice of using phenomenology as a foundation of their inquiry is appropriate and appealing. They have, to a great extent, achieved their goal to explain music learning from a life-world approach. Descriptions of absolute musicality and relativistic musicality in the opening paragraphs remind me of the good old "nature versus nurture" argument. (...)
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  47. Disseminating Research through Design - Challenges and Opportunities Learned.C. DiSalvo - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):22-23.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Developing a Dialogical Platform for Disseminating Research through Design” by Abigail C. Durrant, John Vines, Jayne Wallace & Joyce Yee. Upshot: The target article provides a thorough and insightful review of the Research Through Design conferences and discusses the successes and limitations of the events in the dissemination of design knowledge.
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    Living accountably: accountability as a virtue.C. Stephen Evans - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    In contemporary culture, accountability is usually understood in terms of holding people who have done something wrong accountable for their actions. As such, it is virtually synonymous with punishing someone. Living Accountably argues that accountability should also be understood as a significant, forward-looking virtue, an excellence possessed by those who willingly embrace being accountable to those who have proper standing, when that standing is exercised appropriately. Those who have this virtue are people who strive to live accountably. The book gives (...)
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    A Gilson Reader; Selected Writings. Edited, With an Introd. by Anton C. Pegis.Etienne Gilson & Anton C. Pegis - 1962 - Image Books.
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    The frequency dependence of a.c. losses in type II superconductors.D. J. Griffiths, C. C. Koch & J. P. Charlesworth - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (3):505-528.
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